
发布日期:2024-03-14 10:02:56 浏览次数:36


2018.9-2019.9  加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学心理学系Peter Suedfeld 实验室访问学者,从事儿童政治心理、政治认知复杂性研究。

2014.8-2014.11 台湾大学东亚研究中心访问学者,从事台湾地区教科书的历史文本分析。

2008.9-2009.9  美国威斯康星大学政治学系访问学者,师从Edward Friedman,主修比较政治学、政治学研究方法。

Bio Note (July 2021)

Hongna MIAO is Associate Professor in the Political Science Department, Nanjing University, China. She holds a Ph.D. (2010) in Political Science, from Nanjing University, China. Her teaching obligations include classes on Comparative Political Economy and Comparative Political Culture, and her research interests focus on political culture and political socialization in cross-national contexts. Her publications in both English and Chinese include one book (Institution Transition and Workers’ Choice: The Relations among State, Enterprises  and Workers in Transition Period, Jiangsu People Press, 2015), and the  co-editing of another book (E-Political Socialization, The Press and Politics:  The Media and Government in the USA, Europe and China, Peter Lang, 2014). In addition, she is the author and co-author of 17 book chapters and journal  articles (including, most recently in English, “Sources of

Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political  Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China,” Politics, Culture and  Socialization, 5, 1, 2014, pp 45-60).

Furthermore, she has presented papers in  several academic meetings, including the 23rd World Congress of the  International Political Science Association, 2014, Montreal, Canada; and during  a Conference on “Collaboration among Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition,” 2013,  Shanghai, China.

She has been a Visiting Scholar  (August-November, 2014) in the National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan) under  the Fellowship from the Foundation for Taiwan Democracy; and a Visiting Student  (September 2008-Seoptember 2009) in the Political Science Department, the  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, under the Fellowship from the Chinese  Ministry of Education.

    Her current research  projects include:  (1) “Research on Youth Values” (2015-2017)is supported by the  Ministry of Education, China. This project examines and details the changing values of youngsters in contemporary China, their political orientations and attitudes, political identities, patriotism and nationalism from a comparative  political culture viewpoint. (2) "The Comparative Research on Political  Socialization of Textbook in Taiwan and Mainland China"(2015.12-2018.12), funded  by National Social Science Foundation. 

She is also a  member of the board (since 2010) and the Web-manager of Research Committee on  Psycho-Politics (RC29) of the International Political Science Association.

Mail address: No. 163 Xianlin Ave., Shengda Buliding, Room  309; Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Email: hnmiao@nju.edu.cn


2015.7-2015.8 Coordinator, Asian Barometer Survey in North Jiangsu Province, China

2014.8-2014.11 Visiting Scholar in Foundation for Taiwan Democracy; National Taiwan University, Taipei, China

2008.9-2009.9 Visiting Student in Political Science Department in University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

2018.9-2019.9 Visiting Scholar in Psychology Department in University of British Columbia, Canada.

Books and Articles

Book: Institution Transition and Workers’ Choice: the Relations among State, Enterprises and Workers in Transition Period, Jiangsu People Press, 2015.


17. The Present Situation and Characteristics of Children's Political Cognition. Youth Study. 2020(5): 75-83+96. (Chinese)

16.Media Use and Political Participation in China: Taking Three National Large-N Surveys as Examples. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research. 2019.2

15. State Governance, Market Rationality and Civil Rights: The Internal Logic of the Change of "Peasant-worker" Appellation, Journal of Henan University (Social Science), 2017, 57(6):8-14. (Chinese)

14. Social Capital Research: the Typologies and Their Measurement, Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 2015(6): 123-131. (Chinese)

13. The Cognition of Ordinary  People in the United States toward Chinese Economic Competition and Chinese  Exchange-rate Policy, Forum of World Economics & Politics, Vol.312, No.5,  2015: 42-61. (Chinese) 

12.(coauthor)"Implications for E-Media, the Press, Government and Politics in China" in E-Political Socialization, the Press and Politics: The Media and Government in the USA, Europe and China, Christ'l De Landtsheer, Russell F.Farnen, Daniel B.  German, Henk Dekker, Heinz Suenker, Song Yingfa, and Miao Hongna (eds.). Peter Lang, 2014.

11. Sources of Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China, Politics, Culture and Socialization, 5. Vol., No.1, 2014, pp45-60. (English)

10. The Corporatism Strategy in Social Conflict Governance and its Appropriateness in China, Journal of Henan University (Social Science), vol. 54, No.6, Nov. 2014, pp48-54. (Chinese)

9. Government Quality Assessment and Social Trust: An Empirical Study on a National Sample, Jiangsu Social Science, 2014, No.5, pp105-112.  (Chinese)

8. International Political Socialization: An Interactive Mechanism between International Norms and International Actors, Pacific Journal, Vol.22, No.10,2014, pp.12-22. (Chinese)

7. Review on the Research of Political Socialization in Mainland China over the Past 30 years, Teaching and Research, 2014, No.12, 95-104.  (Chinese)

6. The Balance of Negotiation Power: Game Theory in the Harmonization of Dispute Between Labor and Capital, Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), Vol.18, No.1, 2012,130-135.  (Chinese)

5. Three paths of Political Institutions Reform, Qiusuo, No.3, 2010.  (Chinese)

4. Western Government Regulation Reform and the Rise of Meta-regulation Government for the Age of Governance, Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), Vol.16, No.2, 2010,83-88. (Chinese)

3. The Political Support Resource in Chinese reform process: the Perspective of Political Participation, Hubei Social Science, No.6, 2008, pp22-25. (Chinese)

2. Review on Political Socialization Research in Europe and America during Past 50years, Theory Horizon, No.13, 2009, pp. (in Chinese)

1. Effectiveness of Political Socialization in Transitional China, Journal of Changchun Normal College, No.11, 2005. (coauthor) (Chinese)

Papers in Conference:

4.Democracy Transition and the Cultivation of Democratic Citizen: Content Analysis of Social Science Textbook in Taiwan Elementary and Middle School, November, 2014, Taiwan.

3. “The Media Contact Habit, Media Trust and Civic Political Participation in China: Taking two National Large-N Surveys as Example”, paper delivered at the 23rd World Congress of the International Political Science Association, July 19-24, 2014. Montreal, Canada;

2. “Sources of Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China”, IPSA’s RC21-29 International Expert Conference on “Comparative Study on the Role of Higher Education and Communication in the Process of Political Socialization from Perspective of Globalization”, Sep.  18-20, 2013, Xuzhou, China。

1. The Collaborative  Governance among Government, Society and Enterprises in Alleviating Labor  Disputes in Transitional China, Conference on “Collaboration among Government,  Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition ”, May  26-27, 2013, Shanghai, China。

Research project:

5. 2015-2018 “The Comparative Study on Political Socialization of Textbook in Mainland China and Taiwan”, Fund by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

4. 2015-2017 Research on Youth Value, Fund by Nanjing University

3. 2013-2016, Social Dispute Governance in Developed Area Government, Fund by the Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science in Jiangsu Province

2. 2011.7-2015.1 “The Relationship among CCP, Labor Union and Workers”, Fund by Nanjing University.

1. 2004-2006,Research  on Basic Theory of Political Socialization, Fund by the Planning Office of  Philosophy and Social Science in Jiangsu Province












5.  2015年12月,“中国台湾与大陆地区教科书的政治社会化比较研究”,国家教育科学基金,主持,结项。

4. 2013年11月,“发达地方政府的社会冲突治理研究”,江苏省社科基金一般项目,主持,结项。

3、2011年7月,“中国共产党-工会-工人关系研究”,南京大学国家社会科基金预研项目, 主持,结项。




A. 著作

2. 《制度变迁与工人行动选择——转型期国家-企业-工人关系研究》,江苏人民出版社,2015。

1.  Implications for E-Media, the Press, Government and Politics in China" in E-Political Socialization, the Press and Politics: The Media and Government in the USA, Europe and China, Christ'l DeLandtsheer, Russell F.Farnen, Daniel B. German, Henk Dekker, Heinz Suenker, Song Yingfa, and Miao Hongna (eds.). Peter Lang, 2014.


17. 儿童政治认知的现状与特征. 青年研究,2021(5):75-83+96.

16. Media Use and Political Participation in China: Taking Three National Large-N Surveys as Examples. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research. 2019.2

15. 国家治理、市场理性与公民权利:“农民工”称谓变迁的内在逻辑. 河南大学学报(社会科学版),2017(6):8-14.

14.  社会资本研究:  分类与测量. 重庆大学学报:社会科学版,2015(6):123-131.

13. 美国公众对中国经济竞争力及中国汇率政策的认知. 世界经济与政治论坛,2015(6): 42-61.

12.  Sources of Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China, Politics, Culture and Socialization, 5. Vol., No.1, 2014, pp45-60.

11. 社会冲突治理中的法团主义策略及其在中国的适用性研究.  河南大学学报:社会科学版,2014(6): 2014年第6期,人大复印资料《公共行政》2015年第1期全文转载。

10. 政府质量评价与社会信任:基于一项全国样本的实证研究. 江苏社会科学,2014年第5期。

9. 国际政治社会化:国际规范与国际行为体的互动机制,《太平洋学报》2014年第10期,人大复印资料《国际政治》2015年第4期全文转载。

8. 国内政治社会化研究三十年述论,《教学与研究》2014年第12期,人大复印资料《中国政治》2015年第3期全文转载。

7. 平衡谈判力:劳资冲突治理的博弈分析,《重庆大学学报(社科版)》2012年第1期,人大复印资料《劳动经济与劳动关系》2012年第5期全文转载。

6. 社会政治体制改革及其实现的三种分析路径,《求索》2010年第3期。

5. 治理时代西方国家的政府规制改革——兼论后规制政府的兴起,《重庆大学学报(社科版)2010年第2期。

4. 中国改革进程中政治支持资源的拓展——一种政治参与的分析视角,《湖北社会科学》2008年第6期。

3. 欧美政治社会化研究五十年述评,《理论界》2009年第12期。

2. 国外政府创新的动因、内容及模式探析,《江苏社会科学》,2006年第4期。(第二作者)

1. 转型期中国政治社会化的有效性分析,长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版),2005年11月。人大复印资料《中国政治》2006年第3期全文转载。(第二作者)

C. 会议论文:





5. “The Media Contact Habit, Media Trust and Civic Political Participation in China: Taking two National Large-N Surveys as Example”, paper delivered at the 23rd World Congress of the International Political Science Association, July 19-24, 2014. Montreal, Canada;

4 “Sources of Political Support for China’s Reformation: Political Socialization of Working Class in Transitional China”, IPSA’s RC21-29 International Expert Conference on “Comparative Study on the Role of Higher Education and Communication in the Process of Political Socialization from Perspective of Globalization”, Sep. 18-20, 2013, Xuzhou, China

3. The Collaborative Governance among Government, Society and Enterprises in Alleviating Labor Disputes in Transitional China, Conference on “Collaboration among Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition”, May 26-27, 2013, Shanghai, China.

2. 平衡谈判力:劳资冲突治理的博弈分析,“长三角地区一体化过程中的政府创新与区域治理”学术研讨会,2010年11月,复旦大学,上海

1. 单位制及其变迁:中国转型期国家-工人关系变革的制度分析,“第五届中国青年政治学论坛”,2010年10月,南京大学,南京